Jaclyn reached out to me for a branding session, as she has her own private practice as a Dietician that specializes in non-diet weight loss. Her goal is to work with clients long term and for clients to feel more calm and confident around food. Through this photo session we wanted to portray a sense of trust, authenticity.transparency, empowerment, openness, growth, leaning and curiosity.
We met at Jaclyn's home, which was also significant as she works and meets with clients from her home office. We picked settings such as the kitchen, and added food props to show her work with food. We also took photos of her with her notebook, and working on the computer, which was also relevant to her work.
We chose poses that were fun, and playful, as we really wanted her personality to come out in the photos. Before the shoot we discussed some posing tips-nice straight back, chin slightly down, forehead out, slightly leaning forward. A slight bend in the knee when standing, and having arms off of the body (hand in pocket, on thigh, or on a hip).
We planned to have two outfit changes so that she could have some variety in her photos. A nice blazer added some sophistication!
Jaclyn was such a natural in front of the camera and was so fun to work with!